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Paint Voyager? FAQ
Q1: What is Paint Voyager?
A: This service is designed to propose high-value-added Japanese paints to customers and efficiently deliver them to your doorstep.
Q2:What are the features of Paint Voyager?
A: Paint Voyager is a service that suggests high-value-added Japanese paints and enables efficient procurement even in small quantities.
Q 3:How do you provide Japanese paints?
A: We leverage our trusted relationships with Japanese paint manufacturers to efficiently source a wide range of paint products from Japan.
Q 4:Do you also provide related materials other than paints?
A: Yes, we offer a range of support beyond paints, providing various materials to help you achieve your coating requirements.
Q 5:Can you tell me about Paint Voyager's hazardous material warehouse?
A: We have a fully-equipped hazardous material warehouse and comply with fire prevention regulations to safely store and supply hazardous materials, providing support for safe handling and procurement.